07491 306630
Sport4Fitness CIC, The Avery Pavilion,
Fernie Feilds Sports & Social Club, Fernie Field,
Moulton, Northampton NN3 7BD, UK
07491 306630
Please Note we are based within Fernie Fields Sports & Social Club, Fernie Field, Moulton, Northampotn, NN3 7BD.
There are two points of entry to the site when traveling via satnav, Google Maps, Apple Maps or What 3 Words.
Please Use The Residential Entrance Unless Stated
Residential Entrance
Located via Moulton Way South, Moulton, Northampton, NN3 7RP
Follow signs to Sport4Fitness CIC / The Avery Pavilion
​Event Entrance
Located via Talavera Way, Northampton, NN3 6FR
​This Event Entrance will only be open during large business hire or large public events as we share the site with Northampton Sielby Rangers FC & Northampton Town Women's FC
Company Name: Sport4Fitness CIC
Company Number: 9324224
Register Office:
18 Glenville, Northampton, NN3 6LZ
If you have an issues please contact us.
A member of the team will be happy to help
Email: info@sport4fitness-cic.co.uk
Mobile: 07491 306630